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Facial Procedures

Liposuction of the Chin - Patient AA Liposuction of the chin (2-weeks post-op)
Liposuction of the Chin - Patient BB Liposuction of the chin (2-weeks post-op)
Liposuction of the Chin - Patient HH Liposuction of the chin (2-weeks post-op)
Liposuction of the Chin - Patient LL Liposuction of the chin (2-weeks post-op)
Liposuction of the Chin - Patient NN Liposuction of the chin (2-weeks post-op)
Liposuction of the Chin - Patient OO Liposuction of the chin (2-weeks post-op)

Blepharoplasty (2-weeks post-op) - Patient KKBlepharoplasty (2-weeks post-op)

Blepharoplasty (2-weeks post-op) - Patient MM Blepharoplasty (2-weeks post-op)

Transferred to full face Patient DDTransferred to full face (3-months post-op)
Fat transfer patient 01Fat transfer to tear trough nasal labial fold cheek and marionette (5-months post-op)
Full face fat transfer patient 01Full face fat transfer (4-months post-op)

Fat transfer to tear trough Patient 01

Fat transfer to tear trough (4-months post-op)

Fat transfer to the fore head Patient 01

Fat transfer to the fore head (3-months post-op)

Fat Transfer Patient 3 aFat Transfer (3 months post-op)
Fat Transfer Patient 3 bFat Transfer (3 months post-op)

Threat lift PDO thread Patient 01

Threat lift PDO thread (1-month post-op)

Threat lift PDO thread Patient 02Threat lift PDO thread (1-month post-op)

Body Procedures

Liposuction of upper flanks - Patient CC Liposuction of upper flanks
Liposuction abdomen, upper flanks & thighs - Patient DD Liposuction abdomen, upper flanks & thighs
Tummy Tuck - Patient JJ Tummy tuck (2-weeks post-op)
Tummy Tuck - Patient GG Tummy tuck (2-weeks post-op)
Tummy Tuck - Patient GGG Tummy tuck (2-weeks post-op)